Who Invented Bricks, Howitzer, and Concrete – Transcript

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Who Invented Bricks, Howitzer, and Concrete?

Updated on Marching 5, 2019

Amanda Littlejohn


Amanda is a retired pedagogue with many geezerhood of have instruction children of all ages and abilities in a wide-cut orbit of contexts.

Touch Writer

The Antediluvian Chronicle of Bricks

You may entertain bricks as a really bodoni textile. We run to ideate antediluvian buildings existence made of pit or forest. Many archaic buildings were constructed from mud and chaff.

Nevertheless, the accuracy is that bricks were invented a selfsame age ago.

The offset bricks that we live most were existence made in Jericho as yearn ago as 8000 BC. The masses thither had ascertained they could shuffling elementary bricks by departure cadaver mud to dry in the sun.

Mud Bricks and Gemstone Edifice in Antediluvian Jericho

The corpse of Herod’s Castle in Jericho. The construction is made of a compounding of antediluvian mud bricks and pit. | Beginning

Mesopotamian Brick Kilns

The Mesopotamians highly-developed stronger bricks by admixture the mud with stalk so baking the resolution in kilns. This appendage likewise made the bricks more immune to piss.

Bricks adust in kilns were likewise barge and easier to transferral than gemstone. Because they were likewise stronger they could be buxom, besotted and carried from the billet where they were made to the situation where they were to be ill-used practically more well and without breakage them.

Brick Walls in Antediluvian Babylon

The Antediluvian Walls of Babylon in Mesopotamia were made of kiln dehydrated bricks. | Origin

Bricks in Britain.

The British ne’er invented bricks. Brick qualification engineering was brought to the British Isles by the Antediluvian Romans. The pre-Roman inhabitants of the British Isles lived in houses made of lapidate, solicit and thatch.

Aft the spill of the Roman Imperium, the engineering of brick edifice was disregarded, and it was park drill to recycle old Roman bricks from sunk villas, aqueducts etcetera. It was not until practically after in the Twelfth hundred that brickmaking was rediscovered.

It was flush afterwards, in 1825, that the get-go brick qualification machines were introduced. This facilitated not sole a bettor calibre of brick but too a practically quicker and more effective method of yield. Thither was, aboard greater industrialisation, a immense surge in construction victimisation bricks and howitzer during this point.

A Nineteenth 100 Brick Sign

Quex Theater, Birchington, Kent, England is a ok lesson of a Nineteenth 100 brick reinforced hall. | Beginning

Construction Ahead Bricks

Earlier bricks – long-wearing, whippersnapper, cheap and portable – were low wide put-upon, the well-nigh usual construction cloth for perm projects was rock.

Stones were collected unitedly and piled up unitedly to mannikin walls as far dorsum as prehistory. The art of masonry and ‘pit fertilization’ dates binding to astir 2500 BC and originated in Antediluvian Egypt.

The Antediluvian Egyptians were besides the kickoff to produce mechanical, quite than manual, lapidate rending and formative technologies. It was this engineering that helped them to habitus the brilliant temples and pyramids for which they are now well-nigh wide known.

Pyramid of Khafre and the Large Sphinx

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Pyramid of Khafre and the Heavy Sphinx were reinforced exploitation new mechanical endocarp fecundation technologies. | Seed

Jutting Bricks Unitedly: Mud and Howitzer

Earlier the conception of bodoni howitzer, the about unremarkably put-upon materials for acquiring bricks to joystick firmly unitedly were elementary cadaver, mud, or bitumen.

The Egyptians were the kickoff to formulate howitzer victimization the substantial hustle as a bag.

The Romans posterior highly-developed the conception promote, exploitation a intermixture of birdlime, weewee and sandpaper which is the treat lull put-upon now.

The antediluvian metropolis of Pompeii was reinforced exploitation bricks and howitzer.

Pompeii Was Reinforced of Bricks and Howitzer

This is a exfoliation modelling of Pompeii. The Antediluvian Romans were the offset to modernise the ‘bricks and howitzer’ construction combining which we hush use tod. | Root

The Excogitation of Concrete

Concrete is nigh oftentimes associated with moderately mod buildings and is lull wide exploited complete the reality. Not so many citizenry agnize that the Antediluvian Romans invented it and victimised it wide in their edifice activities passim the Roman Imperium.

The uncovering of how to piddle concrete was a ontogenesis from the use of bricks and howitzer. The Romans experimented with adding bits of disordered gem, brick, pebbles and clayware to their canonical howitzer mix. They constitute that the resulting gist could be shaped and molded and resulted in a really undestroyable construction stuff.

An fantabulous representative of this typewrite of expression victimisation former concrete is institute in the construction of the townsfolk of Cosa in primal Italy. The structure of the townspeople walls was realized in about 275 AD.

Roman Concrete Overreaching

The Romans invented concrete by mix their calx based howitzer with pebbles, fragments of pit and clayware. As can be seen hither in the overreaching of the Roman edifice, the new fabric allowed an elaboration in architectural invention. | Seed

The Failing of Bricks and Howitzer

Bricks get been key to the ontogenesis of buzz acculturation and urban architecture. They are the nearly antediluvian man made edifice real and besides the virtually abiding and various.

We’ve been exploitation bricks to chassis our cities and thrive our reach for ended 9000 geezerhood now. It truly is an unbelievable textile.

One of the superlative strengths of brick twist is likewise one of its weaknesses. Brick walls birth to be reinforced of an accretion of many soul units and apiece of these units has to be boundary unitedly victimization an adhesive. This broker is howitzer.

In stalls weather, howitzer is an efficacious and hefty soldering corporeal for bricks. But below sealed kinds of vibrational emphasis – such as an temblor – the howitzer can crumple, the hamper can flunk and the construction can separate.

Brick Infotainment

The Art and Slyness of Bricks and Howitzer

Complete its 9000 twelvemonth chronicle, the use of bricks and howitzer has been highly-developed into an art cast. Skilled bricklayers gear for many age to arrant their craftiness.

In the workforce of a passe-partout brick stratum, the humiliate brick becomes an architectural wonder. Bricklayers can use bricks to make intricate patterning, arches, bridges and apparently gravitation defying domed ceilings.

The Art of Original Bricklaying

Dissimilar Types of Forward-looking Bricks




Shaped from Portland cementum then molded to fit the design. They are virtually usually victimised in ornamental study.


These bricks are really a configuration of clayware and are excavate. Whippersnapper and various.

Wirecut Extruded

These bricks are manufacted by extruding a prominent slab and than cable clipping apiece brick out of it. Rather same a cooky stonecutter.

Livestock bricks

These are oftentimes guerrilla and sustain an old man appeal


The about expensive bricks are hand-crafted because of the meter and travail needful to acquire them. They are extremely prized and characterful.

London Brick

These are made from an buttery remains ground just south Eastward of the UK


Bricks that deliver been made with a flying sunburn at high-pitched temperatures. They are quiet and beneficial for veneer.


Rattling solid and piss immune.

The Hereafter of Brick

We’ve cum a foresightful way from the youth of parched mud. Innovative bricks enter all kinds of colours, weights, sizes and scales of absorbency. The fabrication of bricks has been made passing be efficient and effective by the creation of new auto technologies, equipment for the descent of cardinal materials, modernistic kilns and electric motorisation of the brickmaking operation.

Bricks are now organism made from concrete and ca silicate also as the traditional saturated corpse. In 2007 a stain new ‘fly ash’ brick was highly-developed to reprocess the byproducts of processing plants.

Bricks are stillness the well-nigh normally employed whole in construction expression. Architecture exploitation bricks is an e’er expanding subject and both in damage of brick fabrication technologies and the art of buildings invention it seems that the brick lull has a longsighted futurity before of it. It is laborious to envisage a more various and beautiful construction textile.

Brick Crown

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© 2015 Amanda Littlejohn